Membership Applications

We are getting a lot of enquiries on how people can join the club, and people saying they’ve applied but not heard anything back so I thought I’d clarify the process.

We’ve not taken an intake of new Members since March 2020, just prior to closing for the first time.

This intake was for people who had applied in 2019. Since this intake, everyone who has applied online, by letter or email has had their details retained for when we do an intake at some point this year.

Those people who were sent applications to join in March 2020 but couldn’t make it due to shielding will automatically be sent another application this year when we do an intake.

Unfortunately we are limited to the number of people that we can allow to join us each year. This means that not everyone who has applied will be able to join this year unfortunately. We will retain your details on our waiting list until such time we are able to accept new members.

There is no need to resubmit any request to join if you’ve done in the last 18 months. Your details will be on file and we will contact you once it’s your turn to join.

Anyone new wanting to apply, the quickest and easiest way to do it is on the online form here. In order to become a member you must know two existing members of the club to sponsor your application and you must not have defaulted on your membership previously.

I hope this clarifies the process for joining.


Rob Jones, Secretary